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Since 1994...Spiritual Journeys
to the world's most important Sacred Sites
to enliven your Body, Mind and Spirit

About Us   Why Travel with Sacred Sites Journeys  

The Power of Travel to Transform Our Lives
   When to Register  

Books by Mark Amaru Pinkham 

The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays

Custom Journeys Arranged For You by Sacred Sites Journeys 

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30 Years of Sacred Sites Journeys!
Some of our various groups through the years ....

Egypt-Sphinx-Group.jpg (8758 bytes)  England-ChaliceWell-Group.jpg (16281 bytes)  
Spain-SantiagoDeCompostella-Group.jpg (14034 bytes)  NepalTibet-2-2008.jpg (13325 bytes)   
Above - Left to Right: Egypt (2004), England (2008), Spain (2006), Nepal/Tibet (2008)

Peru-MachuPicchu-Group.jpg (11999 bytes)
ChinaTibet-2007.jpg (7825 bytes)   England-GlastonburyTor-June2012.jpg (25402 bytes)  Scotland-RosslynCastle-Group.jpg (18700 bytes)
Above - Left to Right: Peru (2006),China/Tibet (2007), England (2012), Scotland (2004)

      Ireland-May2008.jpg (11053 bytes)  Egypt-Dendera-November2011.jpg (8339 bytes)
Peru-2003Group.jpg (8764 bytes)  Turkey-Ephesus-Nike-SSJGroup-April2012.JPG (15188 bytes)
Above - Left to Right: Ireland (2008), Egypt (2011), Peru (2003), Turkey (2012)

    Peru-MachuPicchu-Group-Aug2012-Small.jpg (29032 bytes)  Egypt-Aswan-TempleofIsis-Group-Nov2012.jpg (24278 bytes)  Ireland-Newgrange-SSJGroup-Sept2011.jpg (14533 bytes)  Malta-SSJGroupPartial-April2013.jpg (11783 bytes)
Above - Left to Right: Peru (2012), Egypt (2012), Ireland (2011), Malta (2013)

     England-Wells-GardenGroupPhoto-June2013.jpg (13059 bytes)  Peru-Sacsayhuaman-Group-Aug2013.jpg (10420 bytes)  Egypt-Karnak-SekhmetChapel-Group-Nov2013-2.jpg (7387 bytes) 
Above - Left to Right: England (2013), Peru (2013), Egypt (2013)

Peru-Quillarumiyoc-June2014.jpg (10530 bytes)  England-SilburyHill-Group-Aug2014.jpg (7329 bytes)  Egypt-Sphinx-Group-Nov2014.jpg (9166 bytes) 
Above - Left to Right: Peru, (2014), England (2014), Egypt (2014)

 Malta-March2015-Group-Sm.jpg (10527 bytes)  England-GlastonburyTor-Group-July2015-Sm.jpg (10390 bytes)  Peru-MachuPicchu-Group-Aug2015-Sm.jpg (10349 bytes)
Above - Left to Right: Malta (2015), England (2015), Peru (2015)

Above - Left to Right: France (2016) - Some of our group members; there were 25 of us!  Peru (2016); Ireland (2016); Egypt (2016)

Above - Left to Right: Malta (2017); Peru (2017); England (2017)

Above - Left to Right: Easter Island (2018); Ireland (2018)

Above - Left to Right: Egypt (2018); Mt Shasta CA (2018- Partial Group); Greece (2018- Partial Group)

Above - Left to Right: Peru (2019) - Partial Group; England (2019); Malta (2019); Egypt (2019)

Egypt (2023) - Partial Group

Peru (2024)

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Founders Mark Amaru Pinkham & Andrea Mikana-Pinkham

Mark and Andrea at Machu Picchu, PERU, April 2019

We founded our first sacred travel company in August 1993 after our first trip to PERU,
and have operated and led spiritual pilgrimages annually to the world's sacred sites for the last 30 years.

About Andrea
Andrea is the Director of Sacred Sites Journeys, as well as a Featured Speaker, Meditation Facilitator
and Tour Director on our sacred journeys.

About Mark

Mark, the author nine books, is the Featured Speaker.
  The Complete Seven Rays of Healing System ,
An Initiates Guide to the Path of the Dragon ,
Sacred Geometry and the Creation of the Universe,
Sedona City of the Star People,
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom,
four other books about the esoteric history of our planet and the Goddess Tradition.

As well, Mark is the Founder/Director of The Order & Mystery School of the Seven Rays
He teaches online teleseminars, as well as seminars & classes in Sedona, AZ.

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Due to the CoVid-19 pandemic we weren't able to offer any Sacred Sites Journeys in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
We're Pleased to Announce That We're Now Back and Are Offering Our Sacred Sites Journeys Again!

We operated our spiritual pilgrimage to EGYPT in November 2023.

We operated our spiritual pilgrimage to PERU in late April/early May 2024.

In 2025 we'll offer EGYPT in late February/early March and NEPAL/TIBET in September.

See Below for More Information.

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2025 Sacred Sites Journeys


Andrea and Mark will lead our 2025 Sacred Sites Journey to EGYPT

Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt,
Including a 6-Day Spiritual Retreat on the Nile
on a Chartered 10-Cabin "Green" Wooden Sailboat
February 23 - March 9, 2025
We're taking registrations! The group is half full!

NOTE: There are 10 cabins on the wooden sailboat.
We must have 7 of them filled by Monday, July 29th
in order to submit the deposit for it by Wednesday, July 31st.
As of July 24th, we've already filled 6 of the cabins, so only have 4 left.
Our last two groups filled within the first month after opening the registration.
So, if you plan on joining us, please begin your registration process NOW!

To view a detailed itinerary (with lots of photos!), the pricing and to learn how to register:

If you're not already receiving our FREE MONTHLY NEWLSETTER and would like to do so
scroll up to the link menu at the top of this page and click on "Sign Up - Free Newsletter".

To read our current newsletter with lots of photos from our previous journeys
and more information about this very unique spiritual pilgrimage
that offers you the auspicious opportunity explore and experience first-hand
the ancient mysteries, magic and transformative power of beloved EGYPT, use this link:


Andrea and Mark
will lead our 2025 Sacred Sites Journey to NEPAL & TIBET


Sacred Journey to the Himalayas,
With Special Pilgrimage Around Holy Mt Kailash,
September 2025 - Dates to be announced

Join us for this once-in-a-lifetime Himalayan experience!
We'll travel through the awe-inspiring mountain kingdom of Nepal,
followed by a visit to the "forbidden land" of Tibet at the very Roof of the World.

You'll then have the auspicious opportunity to embark on a holy pilgrimage
around the base of the most holy mountain in the East, Mt. Kailash, the "Crystal Mountain."
It's said that simply by being in the presence of this sacred mountain, and especially when walking around its base,
one can achieve extrication from all worldly desires, dissolution of karma and even complete enlightenment.

For those in the group who choose not to circumambulate Mt Kailash, you'll have the option to visit other sacred sites.
The two groups will meet back up after the Kailash pilgrimage
to cross the Tibet/Nepal border and and return overland to Kathmandu.

FEATURED SPEAKER: Author Mark Amaru Pinkham


The itinerary, which will be the same as the original tour planned for September 2020.
If you would like to be notified when the information is posted here about the 2025 sacred journey,
please email Andrea Mikana-Pinkham at Thank You!

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If you're not already on our SSJ email list and would like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter,
sign up at:

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Visit our
Why Travel with Sacred Sites Journeys
When to Register

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  The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays
The Path of the Dragon Mystery School

The Seven Rays Order and Mystery School
is a mystery tradition that has existed since the dawn of humanity.
These ageless mysteries and their wisdom are resurfacing now.
They are needed on a much larger scale than ever before as many seekers on Earth
are now provided the opportunity to learn many lost teachings and alchemically rise
 to a new level of expanded spiritual awareness.
The revival of the rainbow symbol of the Seven Rays is also important now.
It represents all races and countries that are destined
to reunite into a one-world humanity in the near future.

Mark Amaru Pinkham is the Founder/Director and Lead Teacher.
Andrea Mikana-Pinkham is the Co-Director and Co-Faciliator.

For information about our Monthly Seminars, Trainings & Initiations, visit

Questions? Email Mark Amaru Pinkham
Or, call our office at 928 284-1429

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Sacred Sites Journeys are smoke-free sacred travel experiences.
All forms of tobacco, as well as e-cigarettes are not allowed at any time.
Thanks for your cooperation.

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Sacred Sites Journeys on Facebook
We invite you to visit and Like our Sacred SitesJourneys Page on Facebook.
Click on the link above to find us.

If you're not already a member, and are a Facebook member, you can join us.
Or, if you're not on Facebook and would like to join, it's FREE, easy and fun!
You can easily do so at

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NOTE: All photos and text on this webpage are the Copyright of Sacred Sites Journeys.

Sacred Sites Journeys is NOT affiliated with any other sacred travel company.
Other sacred travel companies offering spiritual pilgrimages similar to ours
are using our text, photos and some of our testimonials. We did not give them permission to do so.
We believe that karma is very efficient, and that those who are not in integrity
will swiftly reap the negative benefits of such actions.

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Updated 7/24/2024
Copyright Sacred Sites Journeys 2003 - 2024